
Basic examples#

Scalar example#

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file provides an example for using pyoti to compute derivatives
# of a scalar function using Order Truncated Imaginary (OTI) numbers.
# Author: Mauricio Aristizabal, PhD
# Date: June 17 2024
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# 1. Import the library.
import pyoti.sparse as oti

# 2. Define each variable with its correspondign real value and apply
#    independent perturbations along specific imagianry axes.
#   -> Note: oti.e(imdir, *) is a function that creates an OTI number  
#      with 1 along the imdir direction. 

x = 3.5 + oti.e(1)
y = 0.5 + oti.e(2)

# 3. Evaluate the function to compute the derivatives.
#   -> Note: Many mathematical functions are supported. See doc for 
#      more information.
f = oti.sin(x*y)

# f now contains all the first order derivatives with respect to x and y.

# This should print 
# >>> 0.983986 - 0.089123 * e([1]) - 0.623861 * e([2])
#    Which corresponds to the actual function along the real part, and
#    the derivative df/dx along epsilon_1 and df/dy along epsilon_2.

# 4. Getting the real part and its components.

print('Real part of f', f.real)

print('e(1) part of f', f.get_im(1) )
print('e(2) part of f', f.get_im(2) )

# In this case the imaginary coefficients are of order 1, thus they 
# correspond to the first order derivatives. 
# However, higher order derivatives do not match with the imaginary 
# coefficients. 
# This capability will be shown in other examples.

Array example#

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file provides an example for using pyoti to compute derivatives when
# using "vector" functions and Order Truncated Imaginary (OTI) numbers.
# Author: Mauricio Aristizabal, PhD
# Date: June 17 2024
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# 1. Import the library.
import pyoti.sparse as oti

# There is limited support for operations with numpy array.
# This is required in this example to generate 
import numpy as np

# 2. Define a real variable x as an array of 100 equally spaced 
#    values from 0 to 2*pi.

x_np = np.linspace(0,np.pi,5)

# Use the pyoti function oti.array to convert the x_np to an OTI-array.
# This is, a MATrix of Sparse OTIs (matso)
x = oti.array(x_np)


# Note: OTI arrays are *always* 2 dimensional.

# The inputs to oti.array can be lists, numpy arrays, and other elements.
# See documentation.

# OTI arrays are interoperable with scalar OTI numbers. For instance,
x += oti.e(1)

# Adds each element of x an OTI number with 1 along epsilon_1
print('x after adding e(1)')

# 3. Evaluate a function to compute the derivatives.

f = oti.sin(x)

# f now contains all the first order derivatives with respect to x.

print('f = sin(x)')

# 4. Getting the real part and its components.

print('\nReal part of f\n', f.real)
print('\ne(1) part of f\n', f.get_im(1) )

# In this case the imaginary coefficients of f are arrays. 

Jupyter Notebooks#