Source code for pyoti.whereotilib

## @package
# The intention of this script is to provide the path to the location of the 
# otilib so that all files that will be loaded, can be loaded without path errors.

## @mainpage  OTI Number library spr_otinum
# Library to handle sparse Order Truncated Imaginary Numbers in Python, with a particular
# focus on automatic differentiation. \n\n
# <b> Current Version</b>: 0.1  \n
# <b> First Created</b>: 04/08/2017 \n
# <b> Last Modified</b>: 04/08/2017 \n
# <b>Contributors</b>: \n
# Mauricio Aristizabal Cano\n
# Applied Mechanics Research Group (Mecanica Aplicada) \n
# Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia.
# Manuel Julio Garcia Ruiz\n
# Applied Mechanics Research Group (Mecanica Aplicada) \n
# Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia.\n
# Department of Mechanical Engineering\n
# University of Texas at San Antonio, USA.

#---------------------------------   EXTERNAL LIBRARIES IMPORTS     ----------------------------------

import sys, os  					# System and OS tools.


[docs] def getpath(): """ PURPOSE: Provides the path of the directory where the otilib is located. EXAMPLE: if the library is located in /dir/path/, the result is a string with '/dir/path/' """ #return repr(__file__)[1:-15] # __file__ has the relative path to this file in the system. return repr(os.path.realpath(__file__))[1:-15] # __file__ has the relative path to this file in the system.